With our extensive service and support offering, we help you to guarantee and optimize the availability of your plant throughout its entire lifecycle.
SIMATIC Virtualization as a Service offers a preinstalled
and preconfigured virtualization system with all associated
hardware and software components, including the necessary lifecycle services like spare parts and online support –
all perfectly coordinated and from a single source. Managed System Services are modularly structured lifecycle services that focus on providing comprehensive
system support with innovative and proactive contents.
The core of this portfolio element consists of a comprehensive system inventory, centralized coordination of
all service activities by a Support Manager, and regular
reports. A setup is performed to obtain precise knowledge
of the products and systems in use and their lifecycle status.
The current service organization, relevant partner companies, and existing maintenance processes and plant
documentation are also included.
After the completion of setup, information on service
execution, communication, and IT access are supplied,
along with an initial Lifecycle Status Report. The Lifecycle Management Suite based on COMOS MRO
creates a consistent database with a fully digitalized workflow across all functional levels and systems – including
on-site on mobile terminals. The LMS lets you plan, implement, and document all service activities based on a smart
mapping of system data that includes maintenance objects,
system and lifecycle status, product data, and service
standards – all in a single database. Power Control Integration Services enable a flexible,
homogeneous integration of electrical switchgear with
devices for protection and control functions in small plants
into the SIMATIC PCS 7 process control system via software.
They also permit performance-oriented integration into
existing systems using additional hardware. This is performed
independent of the protection devices’ manufacturers by
applying the IEC61850 standards.
Reduced expenditures for system
Optimization of plant availability
Guaranteed serviceability
Long-term investment protection
Predictability and reduced modernization
and service costs
Project management from a single source
for the entire contract term