Efficient monitoring
and control of
in glass industry
Facility Monitoring and Control System
(FMCS) based on SIMATIC PCS 7
Efficient monitoring
and control of
in glass industry
Facility Monitoring and Control System
(FMCS) based on SIMATIC PCS 7
Enhanced plant productivity
through efficient
infrastructure automation
Reliable automation plays a central role in industry. It makes a crucial contribution to
plant productivity and competitiveness. This applies to both the automation of primary
processes and to infrastructure. Apart from heating, air-conditioning and ventilation,
the FMCS solution encompasses a host of other disciplines: provision of ultrapure water,
wastewater treatment, supply of gases and chemicals, medium-voltage and low-voltage
power distribution, as well as classic building technology, including fire protection and
safety functions. As an industry partner, Siemens offers a solution that enables these
complex tasks to be performed with maximum efficiency – using the Facility Monitoring
and Control System (FMCS) based on the SIMATIC PCS 7 process control system.
Plant-wide automation
as a success factor
Plants in the process industry must operate at an extremely high level of productivity
to remain economically viable throughout their entire life cycle. Utilizing the full
potential of every part of the plant at maximum efficiency is critical. One key to
making this happen is our concept for plant-wide automation, which significantly
contributes to sustained competitiveness.
FMCS as part of the big picture Our holistic view of the plant offers operators abundant
benefits: Thus, system-wide automation from the sensor,
communication, and controller levels all the way to
the process control system ensures maximum efficiency
for process control in production lines and auxiliary
systems. In addition, standardized additional functions
for integrated safety, power control of switchboards,
and energy management create unique cost benefits.
Above all, however, our holistic approach guarantees
system-wide and consistent interaction of hardware
and software – for more efficiency and transparency
in the overall plant throughout its entire life cycle.
Added value throughout the
entire life cycle of the plant
Operation: Automation with SIMATIC PCS 7 guarantees absolute
data transparency during operation – and thus creates
the prerequisites for reliable operator control
and monitoring, as well as for optimal control
of all auxiliaries
Engineering and commissioning:
The simulation technology with SIMIT Simulation Framework and SIMIT
Virtual Controller offers multiple levers for boosting efficiency in different phases of the plant life cycle. For instance, it enables virtual commissioning and training of operating personnel before commissioning of the
actual plant. And this creates the conditions for increased profitability in automation projects and more efficiency in plant operation. Our pioneering tool
enables extensively tested and validated automation solutions, effectively trained
personnel, and smooth integration of high-fidelity process simulators
Service means much more to us than just repair and
maintenance. Our experts can make an essential contribution
towards tapping the full potential of a plant – for example, with
standard service around the clock, spare parts service and
remote service, software updates, as well as life cycle services
Process and plant design:
COMOS and SIMATIC PCS 7 enable integrated engineering (and operation) with a
centralized database. The entire structure of an FMCS solution can also be planned
with COMOS. This pioneering software solution for integrated management of plant
projects throughout the entire life cycle – from initial process design, to operation,
all the way to modernization and dismantling – combines all the disciplines involved
in a project in a centralized database, and secures an unbroken information flow with
no data loss. Thanks to the object-oriented database, relevant up-to-date information
is available to users at all times. These data can be transferred at the touch of a button
directly and simply via the bidirectional interface to the SIMATIC PCS 7 process control system.
The data can also be sent during operation in the other direction back to COMOS to enable
consistent data management. Efficient and integrated information management is thus guaranteed
throughout the entire life cycle of an industrial plant. That, in turn, enables faster time-to-market, cost
savings, and enhanced quality