RFID technology optimizes production of automotive exterior parts
Efficiency all along the line
Faurecia group, business area Automotive Exteriors
The challenge was to make the processes more efficient and transparent along the value-adding chain and continue improving the product quality. The project was preceded by a benchmark to select suitable RFID technology and a so-called middleware system. Special hardware and software was tested for the connection of different identification or monitoring systems to the ERP level.
The result of the benchmark was the decision
to use Simatic readers of the type RF650R as well as RF620A, RF640A und RF660A
antennas that could be adapted in performance and size.
In addition to global availability,
suitability for industry (degree of protection up to IP65) and scalability, the
convenient options for integration, commissioning and maintenance convinced us
of the solution.
readers do not need any additional software for commissioning, optimization and
diagnostics of reading locations; the tools are implemented in the device
firmware and can be called via web browser.
"The numerous benefits of RFID technology have reached the top level of the company group and the automotive industry."
Faurecia project manager Mike Mülhausen
Faurecia had initially set up RFID technology for the production of injection molded bumpers and side sills. Together with our solution partner, Tagnology, we implemented RFID gates in which the manufactured parts can be scanned in bulk while passing through the gates on forklifts. To accomplish this, the parts were equipped with RF630L RFID labels at a defined spot.
Another application in use is the inspection of components on skids. Here, the system uses RFID to check the assignment of bumper to painting station. This inspection prevents downtimes caused by errors, something that was not possible with this quality in the past. RFID technology coordinates the processes at Faurecia across the entire value-adding chain. The introduction has resulted in an improvement of the processes as well as the product quality and has provided follow-up projects in the globally operating group.
Faurecia group, business area Automotive Exteriors