Neuenhauser Maschinenbau, Simulation and Virtual Commissioning
Textile industry - Machinery and Equipment, Germany
Neuenhauser Maschinenbau, Simulation and Virtual Commissioning
Machine Building
Neuenhauser Maschinenbau GmbH
Neuenhaus Germany
Neuenhauser Maschinenbau GmbH, Neuenhaus (Germany), 2,800 employees. Founded in 1955, the Neuenhauser Group is a group of independent companies active in mechanical and plant engineering, environmental technology, the textile industry, the steel and non-ferrous metal industry, classic contract manufacturing, compressor and tank construction, the clamping elements business unit and automation.
Neuenhauser's objectives contain enhancing innovativeness through:
Strengthen interdisciplinary working methods
Pave the way for standardization
Creating know-how of the commissioning engineer in the digital model
Interdisciplinary workshop for machine simulation under COVID19- conditions
Use of the cloud environment to provide the necessary software and test licenses
Execution and support of the PoCs by APC
Further project support during the test phase by APC Cologne and technical consulting Cologne
"Our systems are delivered all over the world, and the cost of on-site commissioning is therefore a crucial competitive factor."
Jens Elsner, Head of Electrical&Automation Engineering, Neuenhauser Maschinenbau
Faster validation of machine concepts up to the implementation of the software with commissioning
Team building through collaboration of different disciplines on virtual machine models