Selling sand to the desert: process instrumentation in action
Siemens instrumentation at Sibelco, UK
Selling sand to the desert: process instrumentation in action
Machine Building
Accurate flow measurement of the sand entering the silos.
Precise level measurement of the sand in the silos.
Reduce maintenance costs
Siemens Instrumentation.
Milltronics MCS Belt Scales
Milltronics BW500 Weighing Integrator
SITRANS LR560 Radar Level
“SITRANS LR560 needs very little if any, maintenance. We are pleased with the time savings we’ve gained from using these transmitters.”
Adam Daniels, Operations Unit Manager, Sibelco
Reduced maintenance and time savings by using reliable instrumentation.
Accurate and consistent measurements of sand flow rates and silo levels enabling the plant to be fully optimised.
Increased operation efficiency and reduced plant downtime helping to maintain high production rates.
Sibelco’s quarry in Cheshire, UK, ships between 750-800,000 tons of red and white silica sand every year.
The white sand is used in various industries include glass manufacture and the red sand as a drainage material for football pitches and a base for horse racing tracks.
The site processes sand 24 hours a day during the week and production must run continuously with no interruptions