Business target driven process control thanks to an AI-supported assistance system
AI Anomaly Assistant
How do you translate the defined business objectives of the product strategy into targeted measures for the optimal control of the production process?
Currently, the objectives for the technical control of production are generally derived from the business objectives and the product strategy, but a direct link between these aspects does not exist. Control measures are not performed with a direct focus on the business targets.
Upgrade the possibilities of the plant operators by the smart Artificial Intelligence supported assistance system AI Anomaly Assistant and offer the plant operators the capability to link the current business targets with the steering of control measures.
With the AI Anomaly Assistant you can:
Use artificial intelligence to predict production process issues (anomalies)
Classify business impact of anomalies
Control process stability and product quality
Optimize product throughput/output or achieve a certain product quality/output ratio
Maintain the artificial intelligence to increase the business impact of the detected anomalies
You can decrease your Production Cost / Product Quality Ratio to reach your business target
Make the knowledge of your most experienced operators available to all your operators
Increase the competitiveness of your product in the market
Use a complete software solution & experienced services to drive your production according to your business objectives
Contact our sales for more information and to discuss directly how our products and solutions could help you to best solve your problem.
ID: 20364
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