dealing with live products, so if the conveyor stops for an hour with a loaf of
bread with yeast in it, it will rise too much to run through the other machines
in production. This means it can quickly cause unforeseen raw material costs of
thousands of dollars and waste in the carbon footprint when a batch is thrown
out. Therefore, uptime is crucial for us. The
whole concept supports all our green initiatives. Reusing the mechanical part and reducing
waste and resource consumption is well in line with our ambitious carbon
footprint targets. We want to lead the way, but we also face increasing demands
from our customers that should be taken into account.
Martin Nedergaard, PTA
Manager, Lantmännen Unibake.
Lantmännen Unibake think green and focus on reusing and upgrading existing production machinery. They have achieved over 10% higher efficiency, reduced waste, and reduced wear and tear by synchronizing the movement with a CAM and testing it in SIMIT simulation software.