An ideal narrow beam radar level transmitter for textile additives
Siemens Instrumentation at Beaulieu, Belgium
An ideal narrow beam radar level transmitter for textile additives
Beaulieu Technical Textiles
Have accurate and repeatable automatic silo level measurements.
Reduce time to calibrate and maintain the silo level instrumentation.
Automatically record and store silo level data.
Real-time measurements and data logging improving inventory control
Siemens Instrumentation.
SITRANS LR560 Radar Level Transmitter
SITRANS RD500 Remote Data Manager
Improved real-time inventory monitoring and control.
Accurate and reliable measurements increasing production efficiency.
Alarm notification via SMS reducing any production stops.
Belgium based, Beaulieu Technical Textiles, produces technical fabrics for various applications, such as textile for tufted carpets, geotextiles such as those used to strengthen linings, or covers; canvas used in horticulture, films for lower roofs, and packing materials.
At their plant in Kruishoutem, Belgium, Beaulieu decided to change the silo level measurement system, which used a manual float detection device, to improve the measurement accuracy.