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Heizomat, Long-Term Operational Reliability in Heating Systems through Industrial HMI

Electrical & Electronic (E&E)

Heizomat GmbH

Simplifying the operating complexity for end customers represented a challenge. Moreover, modularity was to be ensured as the heating systems feature different characteristics. Yet, the supplied heating systems' high quality standard was to be consistently maintained.
Heizomat opted for a reliable combination of the TIA Portal engineering framework together with powerful ET 200SP controllers and modern HMI Comfort Panels.
"Regardless of whether an automation solution requires 5 modules or 36 modules – we are now able to cover all requirements with just one software which is configured accordingly directly in the plant via the Comfort Panel. That is truly ingenuous!" 
Werner Späth, programmer engineer at Heizomat
  • Perfect "user experience" of heating systems through easy operation and clearly structured operating screens
  • Time savings and reduced complexity through eased and rapid graphical configuration
  • Uncomplicated, fast handling through reliable quality with remote access
Customers of the Heizomat energy system manufacturer are increasingly calling for a complete solution for their heating systems. This also necessitates a controller and appealing visualization.
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