Manage MyPrograms at the Siemens Geared Motor Factory in Tübingen
Machinery and plant engineering, Germany
Manage MyPrograms at the Siemens Geared Motor Factory in Tübingen
Machinery and plant engineering, Germany
Machine Building
Siemens Getriebemotorenwerk Tübingen
Many products are used at airports. As specific safety regulations apply here, and the elimination of faults entails significant bureaucratic and time expenditure, it is crucial to be able to localize the faults occurred as exactly as possible and ensure parts tracking (incl. manufacturing information).
The interlinking of job planning and production as well as machine-level networking is essential for satisfactory transfer of programs and data and for the digital factory.
SINUMERIK 840D for control of VDF 250 2T und DVT630/400 and SINUMERIK Integrate with Manage MyPrograms.
Manage MyPrograms:
Seamless transparency about NC program changes
Initiation of specific measures and elimination of the failures occurring due to defective parts
Consistently digital transfer of manufacturing drawings, clamping plans and / or auxiliary information to the machines
The automated versioning of machining programs and the dating of changes creates transparency.
Development and manufacture of geared motors for drive and conveyor applications using SINUMERIK Integrate.