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Starwood, Turkey – Energy saving up to 64% enabled by a pump-drive retrofit

Other discrete Manufacturing


Bursa Turkey

Starwood MDF factory
The energy crisis in the world and the associated increase in costs is putting pressure on all companies. For this reason, the importance of energy efficiency is increasing day by day, especially in energy-intensive sectors such as the wood industry. 

For these reasons, Starwood wanted to increase overall energy savings by increasing the energy efficiency of the process pumps in its MDF-2 line. 

To achieve this, Starwood needed a partner for energy efficiency solutions in its processes and chose Siemens because of its extensive expertise in energy efficiency.
As a result of the energy audit, the service experts from Siemens offered a retrofit solution for the drives of the process pumps. In the current situation, the flow rate was set via the valve. With the retrofit project, a driver application for the pressure-controlled process pump was carried out. 

The scope of the retrofit project was as follows:   
  • Delivery and commissioning of Sinamics G120 (160 kW) and control cabinet 
  • Revision of the PLC and Scada program of the press   
  • Measurement of energy consumption and motor temperatures before and after application  
  • Reporting of the savings amounts indicated in the feasibility report with post-implementation measurements   
  • Measurement and verification for the Energy Performance Contract
  • For the feasibility report, Siemens service experts conducted a detailed energy audit in accordance with ISO 50002. As a result of the feasibility report, an energy savings potential of 64% was determined and the payback time of the investment was 0.71 years. 
  • The process know-how and software were developed by service experts and commissioned with the use of Sinamics G120 (160 kW) drive in the Starwood MDF plant. 
  • Energy efficiency was guaranteed by Siemens and before/after measurements and verification were performed by a certified Siemens energy efficiency expert. 
  • Improved production control by using the drive on process pumps.
  • Power consumption is reduced from 160 kW to 57 kW.
Starwood, engaged in wood based panel board industry, is one of the biggest industrial companies in Turkey with its growing production capacity and new investments every year. The company has the highest production volume capacity in Turkey, produces 2,000 m³ MDF per day on 2 lines and 3,000 m³ chipboard 3 lines, which is especially specialized in the production of thin MDF from 1.5 mm to 8 mm. Starwood has a total production capacity of 220,000 m² in 180,000 m² closed area in İnegöl plant and has a production capacity of 30,000 sheets / day with 8 short cycle press lines (dims 1830 mm and 2100 mm) together with a Georgian plant.
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